Fiction & Non-Fiction Author

About Gerard
Gerard Cabrera’s fiction has appeared in the literary journals Acentos Review, JONATHAN, Kweli, Angel Rust, Apricity, and Digging Press. Other writing has appeared in Gay Community News and Gay City News. He has attended the Bread Loaf Writers Conference, The Writers Studio, and has been a Bread Loaf Camargo Foundation Fellow in Cassis, France. He most recently published “Proud Mary” with Digging Press in December 2022.
Gerard earned a degree in English and American Literature at Brandeis University, his Masters's Degree in Public Health from Hunter College, and his law degree from Northeastern University School of Law. He served on the board of Gay Community News, was a member of the theater troupe United Fruit Company, and competed in the 1994 Gay Games.
Over the years, Gerard has worked in non-profits, universities, and in government. Active in New York’s queer communities, he has practiced public interest law his entire legal career. Gerard is a Massarican from Springfield, Massachusetts, the birthplace of Dr. Seuss, basketball, and the first American dictionary. He lives and works in New York City.

Photo: Michael Wakefield

Homo Novus - A Novel
Piety, compassion, lust, love… Feelings all the more potent when you are a Catholic priest confined to your hospital bed by an AIDS diagnosis, being comforted by the seminarian you sexually abused as an adolescent. It's Holy Week 1987. The priest is Fr. Linus Fitzgerald, the young seminarian is Orlando Rosario. Both are shocked and shaken as they reflect on their desires and dreams, secrets and sins, hopes and faith, and the paths that brought them together. In Homo Novus, Gerard Cabrera illuminates with deep empathy and stark emotional honesty the journey these two men take separately and together — a journey that began with a violation of trust and leads them to places – sacred and profane — that they never imagined.
Gay Fiction/Literary Fiction/Hispanic
Where to Buy

2023 Upcoming Appearances
August 12, 2023
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Gerard Cabrera will moderate a panel with Philip Clark, Reginald Harris, Steven Riel, and Charles Rice-Gonzalez entitled “Writing About, With, and Through AIDS.” It will be on Zoom from 12:30 - 1:30 pm, so tune in!
Past Appearances

Rattling Good Yarns Press